OUR CHARISM: Healing Love
VISION STATEMENT: Receiving and Carrying the Healing Love of the Heart of Jesus into the world.
OUR MISSION: We minister the Healing Love of Jesus to families and individuals through education, missions and apostolates of service.
OUR VISION NARRATIVE: Consecrated to Mary, we are called to prayerfully contemplate Her beauty, so that we may reflect Her virtue by living the Beatitudes in the ordinary actions of everyday life. Living in Mary’s Heart, we are to discover Her intense desire for God, Her receptivity to the Word, and Her untiring passion to imitate the Holy Trinity. In imitation of Mary, we express self-giving love by living community life as a family. As Mother of Healing Love, She sends us out in union with Her Spouse, the Holy Spirit to evangelize the domestic church: families and individuals, to know and love Her Son Jesus Christ so as to glorify Our Heavenly Father as She herself has taught us.
- Eucharistic Adoration
- Mass as the center of our lives
- Deep personal consecration to the Blessed Mother
- Living in imitation of Mary’s virtues
- Relying on her to form us in the likeness of Christ
- Devotion to God as Father
- We are brides of Jesus Christ
- Authentic living the evangelical counsels of chastity, poverty, and obedience
- Radical following of the Holy Spirit, open to His charisms
- Prayer life nourished by Sacred Scripture
- Fidelity to the magisterium of the Catholic Church
- Reverence for the priesthood
- Reverence for life from conception to natural death
- Openness to God’s Healing love
- Hospitality