Honoring Our Father

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Honoring Our Father

Did you know that there is a Church approved apparition of God the Father? In 1932 God the Father appeared to Mother Eugenia Ravasio who at the time was the Superior General of the Congregation of Our Lady of the Apostles. The Father spoke to her in Latin—a language which she did not understand. Bishop Alexandre Caillot of Grenoble set up a board of experts in 1935 (which included theologians, doctors, and a psychiatrist) to investigate Mother Eugenia and the alleged apparitions of God the Father. After ten years of rigorous inquiry into both the character of Mother Eugenia and the content of the message, the Bishop concluded, “Following the dictates of my soul and my conscience, and with the keenest sense of my responsibility to the Church, I declare that supernatural and divine intervention seems to me the only logical and satisfactory explanation of the facts.” (The Father Speaks to His Children, 14).

God our Father explained the reason for His coming:

1) I am coming to banish the excessive fear that My creatures have of Me, and to show them that My joy lies in being known and loved by My children, that is, by all mankind, present and future.

2) I am coming to bring hope to men and nations. How many have long since lost it! This hope will make them live in peace and security, working for their salvation.

3) I am coming to make Myself known just as I am, so that men’s trust may increase together with their love for Me, their Father. I have but one concern: to watch over all men and love them as My children (The Father Speaks to His Children, 19).

We are living in a time of great anguish and moral disturbance. Consider the two recent events of the U.S. Supreme Court mandating the recognition of “same sex marriage” in all the 50 states and Planned Parenthood being caught selling parts of aborted babies. How has our society reached such a level of moral depravity? Isn’t it because we have forgotten the love of God our Father? St. John Paul II once wrote that

This is truly the key for interpreting reality….Original sin, attempts then, to abolish fatherhood, destroying its rays which permeate the created world, placing in doubt the truth about God who is Love and leaving man only with a sense of the master-slave relationship (John Paul II, Crossing the Threshold of Hope. New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 1994, p.228).

Let us begin to use this “key for interpreting reality” by recognizing what a gift it is to have a Heavenly Father Who has loved us from all eternity and Who called us into being. Let us thank Him for sending His Son to redeem us and His Spirit to sanctify us! Let us thank Him for holding us in being and for calling us to an eternity of joy with the Blessed Trinity and the whole communion of Saints! Let us show our gratitude by knowing, loving and honoring our Heavenly Father.

The Father made a request through Mother Eugenia that He be honored by a special feast which would occur on the first Sunday of August or on August 7th. There is currently no feast of God the Father on the Church calendar despite the fact Jesus became man to make the Father known, loved, and honored! We would have no salvation except that the Father so loved us to give us His only Begotten Son! In fact we would not even exist except that He called us into being and continually sustains us in being. Surely it is a small enough request to honor God our Father with a special feast! During the upcoming Year of Mercy we should petition our Holy Father Pope Francis to establish a feast in honor of God the Father! To read the entire message of God the Father go to www.fatherspeaks.net.




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