February 2023 Newsletter

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Lenten Journey

“Throughout the course of the year the Church unfolds the entire mystery of Christ.”

This beautiful quote from the Constitution on the Sacred Liturgy of the Second Vatican Council reminds us of the importance of celebrating the Liturgical Seasons. Each Season, in its proper order, helps us to enter more deeply into the life of Christ and therefore, enter more deeply into a life of union with Him. Through the Season of Lent, we enter into the Lord’s temptations in the desert and learn to live loving obedience to the Divine Will. After His Baptism in the Jordan, Jesus is “driven by the Spirit into the desert” and He remains there for forty days conquering the devil and his temptations, anticipating His final victory fully accomplished through His Passion, Death and Resurrection. (cf. CCC 538-539). The Church reminds us, “The seasons and days of penance in the course of the liturgical year (Lent, and each Friday in memory of the death of the Lord) are intense moments of the Church’s penitential practice. These times are particularly appropriate for spiritual exercises, penitential liturgies, pilgrimages as signs of penance, voluntary self-denial such as fasting and almsgiving, and fraternal sharing (charitable and missionary works).” (CCC 1438)

So, what does that look like on a practical level? Here are some things that the Sisters do:

“Lent reminds us: Jesus always walks with us. So, I ask Jesus for the grace to see, hear and speak with Him in the serenity of my soul.” ~ Sister Mary Grace

“ I love Lent! Every Lent we cut away the excess to live simply for Jesus. During Lent I mortify three areas: the body from comfort, the mind from distraction and the heart from selfishness.”~Sister Mary Fatima

“For Lent I’m asking Jesus to take me and all my weakness into His Heart and from there to allow me to meditate every day on His Passion, that I may share in His Love for the Father and for all people.” ~ Sister Mary Rose

“Instead of giving something up I try to add something new such as calling an elderly person who lives alone, or send a note to a homebound friend or acknowledge the kindness someone has done for me.” ~ Sister Esther Marie

“I like to pray the Chaplet of Our Lady’s Sorrows. I ask our Blessed Mother to teach me about the sufferings of her Son and to make my own heart capable of such love.” ~ Sister Mary Eucharista

Concord March For Life

On January 14 several of our Sisters attended the Concord, NH March for Life. It began with a memorial service for the babies who are tragically discarded at the Concord city dump; this was followed by the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass at Christ the King. Afterwards there was a gathering at the State Capital, an official March for Life and a conference at Christ the King Hall. Our Sisters participated in all of these events and then helped to serve the food at the conference. Please join us as we continue to pray not only for the legal protection of all life but for the full development of a society which supports a culture of life.

Eucharistic Retreats

Our most recent Eucharistic Retreat at St. Gabriel’s in Franklin, held on the coldest day this winter, surprised us with the largest number of attendees! More than 65 participants braved the freezing temperatures to spend a day with our Eucharistic Lord!


Don’t miss out! We have two more retreats scheduled in March. On March 11, we will be at St. Christopher’s in Nashua, NH and on March 25 we be at St. John Neumann in Merrimack, NH. 

Want to know more about upcoming Eucharistic Revival Events?

Want to watch past talks by the Sisters?

Visit Face of The Family Playlist: YouTube Playlist

Thank You!

The Lord continues to expand our ministries and, though we are only eleven Sisters, we are able to accomplish a multiplicity of tasks! We couldn’t do it without you. Thank you to our prayer supporters and benefactors! With your help, the Healing Love of Jesus is being experienced by countless hearts!

January 2023 Newsletter

posted in: News

January 2023 begins a new look for our email Newsletters. For those who prefer the look of the PDF Newsletters – PAGE 1PAGE 2 – Otherwise, enjoy a more cell phone friendly version of our monthly newsletter! 

The Father's Will

As the New Year begins we “set our faces like flint” (cf Luke 9:51) toward the mission ahead of us: to bring people back to Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist! As part of the Eucharistic Revival in New Hampshire we are beginning Eucharistic Retreats throughout the Diocese. The Retreat Days include Holy Mass, Rosary, Eucharistic Talks, Small Group Discussions, a led Holy Hour with music, and Witness Talks. These days are great opportunities to meet new people, grow in love for our Lord in the Holy Eucharist and set aside time for encountering the Lord in prayer. Find a retreat near you!

Two New Resources for the Eucharistic Revival in NH

Tabernacle Challenge

Consoling the Heart of Jesus one tabernacle at a time. How many Tabernacles can you visit throughout the Diocese? This website gives you the ability to keep track of such an endeavor! Register as a Consoler of the Heart of Jesus and begin your journey. http://faceofthefamily.info

Adoration Finder

 Looking for Adoration Events? This calendar combines all the Adoration events throughout the Diocese into one convenient location. Search by day, location, or keyword and find Adoration Events near you! 

Lifeline Against Suicide Team

At the beginning of January, Sister Mary Rose was asked to speak about the Lifeline Against Suicide Team (LAST). LAST is a prayer initiative started in 2012 to pray for those affected by suicide, particularly for people who are tempted to die by suicide; people who have died by suicide; and grieving families and friends.

According to the CDC, suicide is the 12th leading cause of death in the USA. In 2020 alone, there were more than 1.2 million known suicide attempts. Sister Mary Rose’s talk gives hope to those who are affected and encourages all to pray for these intentions. 

Please join us in prayer!  With your love (both in prayer and in deed)  help to build a culture of life in which EVERY human person can thrive.

A Music Project

As Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love we feel drawn to not only speak about our Lord and His Healing Love but also to bring people into His Eucharistic Presence to experience Healing Love in Person. At every retreat we include a Holy Hour with simple prayers, meditations and music. There is something special about music that has the ability to touch places in the soul that words alone cannot reach. At our first women’s retreat, over a year ago, we witnessed a little miracle during one of these Holy Hours. A young woman, who was deaf, attended with a sign language interpreter. As the day was ending, one of the Sisters asked her what her favorite part of the day was. “The Holy Hour,” she said. “Because I could hear the sister singing and I could pray.” We were blown away by the Lord’s goodness! What a grace for the woman and what a grace for us! It was a sign to us that the Lord wanted to work miracles through His Eucharistic Presence and that He wanted to do so during these Holy Hours. It was also an encouragement to begin to put out our own music. Sister Mary Eucharista has written some of her own songs as well as put many litanies to music. We hope to publish them one at a time. Please keep this music project in your prayers.  View the Shelter lyric video to hear the song!

Seeking witnesses to our Lord’s True Presence!

Do you have a story you would like to share about an encounter you’ve
had with our Lord in the Most Holy Eucharist?
Or the impact of His Presence in your life?

Contact: DaughtersofMary@motherofhealinglove.org

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