9 Jun 2020 June Newsletter posted in: News | On May 24 - the Feast of our Lady, Help of Christians, we crowned our Mother with flowers, hymns, prayers and love! Mary, Mother of Healing Love, pray for us! Below is the Litany we sung to Her that day: https://motherofhealinglove.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/06/Litany-to-Our-Lady.mp3
30 May 2020 Pentecost Vigil posted in: Blog, News | Come Holy Spirit! We spent Pentecost Vigil in Adoration, Praise and Worship! Listen below to the our Litany to the Holy Spirit: written and sung by the Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love. Litany to the Holy Spirithttps://motherofhealinglove.org/wordpress/wp-content/uploads/2020/05/Pentecost.m4a