"Your first apostolate is prayer. Christ must always come first. If you are faithful to your prayer life, your apostolate among the people of God will flourish."

~ Bishop John B. McCormack (April 12, 2007)


 Our first love must be prayer: The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, community prayer and private prayer--these are the means by which we develop a relationship with our Divine Bridegroom.


The Fire of the Holy Spirit draws us by desire into Mary's School of Healing Love-which is God Himself, where we learn that in order to change the world, it is necessary first to allow God to change our own hearts.



An Average Day in the Prayer Life
of a Daughter of Mary:


  • The Daughters of Mary, Mother of Healing Love center their life around Jesus Christ in His Eucharistic Presence. We begin our day with Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Community Prayers, Liturgy of the Hours, and a half hour meditation.


  • The Holy Sacrifice of the Mass is considered to be the most important work of our day. It prepares us to remain in a spirit of prayer, spiritually present to Jesus in the Tabernacle. We go about our day keeping the Word of God within our hearts. It teaches us to converse with Jesus, seeking His guidance and Presence during work and our interactions with others.


  • In the evening we come together for an hour of Adoration of the Blessed Sacrament, Community Rosary, Liturgy of the Hours, and other Community Prayers.


  • Once a week we gather for a Eucharistic Holy Hour of praise and worship so that we may hear the desires of the Father’s Heart for the Daughters of Mary.


  •  Office of Readings is prayed privately and each Sister sets aside time for Spiritual Reading and examen.


 The Sisters are encouraged to pray with the Scriptures daily. Saint Jerome reminds us, "Ignorance of Scripture is Ignorance of Christ."